Sunday, June 21, 2009

Folksonomies & Tagging

Yes yes yes, what a great idea
I am studying again next semester and how helpful it will be when finding information for assigments to be able to tag all them sites I seem to a accumulate and then foget what information was in them.

I have had a look at Technorati, did the search for bookmobile and got 196 results and 48 results for the advanced Tag search.
I was not that impressed with Technorati the page seemed to busy.

I like the idea for LibraryThing especially for book clubs,
I have put five books on my catalogue and tagged them, if anyone is interested, but I dont think it will be something I would use on a regular basis.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Folksonomies & Tagging Jokes

What did the gingerbread man get from his eye doctor?
Contact raisins

What do frogs like about fairy tales?
The "hoppy" endings

What did Cinderella wear when she went to the beach?
Glass "flippers"

Monday, June 1, 2009

RSS Links

What did I learn about RSS.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a tool useful for saving or retaining updated information on websites that you frequently visit or websites that are your favorite.
I can see how it could be useful for a staff intranet, we could have the latest new in book releases, or updates for OPAL training.
I can also see how It can be used as an advertising or marketing tool for the library we could send subscribers information on upcoming events that the library are holding.
I am not a fan of RSS though, it would be something else that I would have to remember to look at in my free time and I feel I spend enough time on the computer at work.
Below are the links to the RSS's that I chose.
NYT > Books

OPAL Training

Comments on Statistically Speaking: ABS News for Libraries

Books news, reviews and author interviews

Saturday, May 30, 2009

RSS Jokes

Why do lions eat raw meat?
They can't read cookbooks

Why will reading ghost stories help you cool down on a hot summer day?
They're chilling

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Social Networking in Libraries

Before choosing to take the optional adventure and create my own Facebook account I never thought there was much point to any of these social networks, why can't people meet in person or pick up a phone if they want to talk.
I am now an advocate for Facebook, what an experience I created an account and typed in the name of my high school and dates that I attended and wallup there in front of me was half a dozen people I had gone to school with twenty odd years ago waiting for me to contact them.

I can now see how these Social networks could be used in a library, we could have links from our webpage for various subject FaceBooks such as a Genealogy Facebook for users to share information and help each other. Non-English language Facebooks (eg German, Japanese) as within our community we have clients from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

I have noticed within our library that the senior clientele seem to embrace new technology, I think if we teach them how to use these social networks they will enjoy using them.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Social Networking Jokes

What happened when a duck read a joke book?
It "Quacked" up

Why can't frogs and toads be authors?
"They have no tales"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wikis in Libraries

I must admit I am not a big fan of wikis for larger libraries, I did enjoy looking at St Josephs County Library wikis, but it got very confusing navigating through the different links.
Saying that though libraries could use wikis for advertising new books, organisations could advertise events on a virtual community notice board, and the public could contribute helpful information for family history.

Wikis Jokes

What search engine do owls use?

What has six legs and wings, flies and knows its way around the Internet?
"A computer bug"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Flickr Jokes

What do whales do when they're sad?

Why do fish swim in salt water?
Pepper makes them sneeze

Why was the shark smart?
It ate "schools" of fish

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shirley's Bad Jokes

Hi everyone

Within my library I have a reputation for my jokes, (whether thats a good or bad reputation you will have to ask my fellow work mates).

Having this oppotunity to create a blog I thought what a great platform to tell my jokes.

Why did the jellybean go to school
Because he wanted to be a smartie.

Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill
To get to the bottom

Why do giraffes have long necks
Because their feet smell

What do Librarians use for bait whenthey fish

Why does the girl borrow books about fishing every time she visists the library
Because she's hooked on them

Please feel free to comment on my jokes or even add some of your own